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The Advisory Board of the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences is chaired by the Dean. The principal role of this Board is to provide assistance with the development and execution of the Faculty’s work programme.

Other responsibilities include:

  1. Provide support in the execution of the Faculty’s Strategic Plan;
  2. Assist the Faculty with identifying priority research areas in a national context;
  3. Assist with identifying appropriate integrated programmes in a national context;
  4. Input into major curriculum changes proposed for the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
  5. Provide awareness of pending environmental and development projects; and
  6. Aid the Faculty in its efforts to provide academic prizes for FEES students and by helping to place students in appropriate jobs on graduation.

Organisational Membership

Members of the Board are mainly drawn from government agencies, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations.

Below is a listing of the current members of the Advisory Board.


Civil Defence Commission

Guyana Sugar Corporation

Environmental Protection Agency

Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission

Hydrometeorological Office, Ministry of Agriculture

Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment

Protected Areas Commission

Environmental Management Consultants

Private Sector Commission

Conservation International


Please contact the Administrative Officer at for more information