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Name Designation Organisational Unit Email Contact
Wil Campbell Lecturer I Department of Foundation and Education Management
Charmine Lewis Clerk/Typist II Faculty of Education & Humanities
Dhanaiswary Jaganauth Lecturer I Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Samantha Farrell-Wilson Lecturer I Department of Foundation and Education Management
Louisa Daggers Researcher II Department of Language and Cultural Studies
Carmen Yusuf Lecturer II Department of Language and Cultural Studies
Irshara Mohamed Clerk/Typist II Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Winifred James-Kippins Lecturer II Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Tiffany Favourite-Harvey Lecturer I Department of Foundation and Education Management
Philbert Gajadhar Lecturer II Department of Language and Cultural Studies
Melissa Ifill Lecturer II Department of Social Studies
Dwayne Benjamin Head, Dept. of History and Caribbean Studies, Lecturer I Department of Social Studies