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Ms. Ruth Daniel
Bsc., MSc., MPhil
Lecturer II
Department of Biology


Ruth Daniel

Department of Biology

Faculty of Natural Sciences




B.Sc Zoology: Women’s Christian College, College Road, Chennai, India (2000-2003)

M.Sc. Biotechnology: SRM Arts & Science College, Kattankulathur, India (2003-2005)

M.Phil Biotechnology: Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India, (2006-2008)



2006-2008: Animal Biotechnology (UG), Genetic Engineering (UG & PG), Tissue Engineering (PG), Bioethics (UG& PG), Microbial Biotechnology (UG)

2013-to Present: Cryptogamic Botany,Survey of Animal World I & II, Ornithology, Taxonomy (Berbice Campus), Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular biology & Biotechnology

Research Done:

M.Phil: Quorum sensing proteins in selected Bacteria.

P.G: Antibacterial activity of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum against selected human pathogens.



2006-2008: Lecturer: Alpha Arts & Science College, Porur, Chennai, India

2013-Present Lecturer, University of Guyana, South America

Trainings underwent:

  • Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar Chennai.

April 2001 – May 2001.

  • Central Leather Research Institute, Council of Science & Industrial Research, Adyar, and Chennai: Underwent project training; May, June 2004 with the research team working on “The extraction of protein product from tannery fleshing, a bio-waste generated during leather making”.
  • Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, Chennai.

Observation Training August 2004 – Electron Microscope.

  • Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, Chennai.

Observation Training August 2004 – Department of Cytogenetics.