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We come here to shine - Dave Martins

Monday, May 28, 2018 - 19:40

My Artist in Residence involvement with the University of Guyana has produced some very fulfilling exchanges, some of which I had expected but there were some surprises which I’ve mentioned before. One of them, as a result of some whim that I can’t recall, was a poem I wrote, after an exchange with some Turkeyen students, entitled We come here to shine, and sent to Vice Chancellor Ivelaw Griffith. 

Ever an instigator, the VC promptly suggested that I put the poem to music, which I promptly did, but since the song has to be sung by a student, the Deputy VC, Dr. Paloma Martin, located a young lady, Diana Chapman, to tackle that part.

The next step was for Diana to record the song, but some technical problems, including equipment malfunction at the studio, got in the way.  However the project is going forward, with the equipment fixed, and the plan now is to get the recording done during the upcoming week. 

Diana is a good vocalist and will sing it in her style, with a drum track of her choice, but to get the interest going I am including here the lyrics of the song:

We come here to shine          

(Copyright Dave Martins 2018)

(Verse 1)

We come with our intentions strong

to prove that yes we do belong

to do the work and toe the line

We come here to shine

We come to learn and to prepare

we see the future very clear

the time for us is waiting there

Yes we come here to shine


We come here from Supenaam, Lusignaan, New Amsterdam

We come from Kingston and Backdam

We come here to shine

We come here from LBI

from Rosignol and from Annai

from Uitvlugt and Karasabai

We come here to shine

(Verse 2)

We come from logee on the ground

Or bottom house in Albouystown

But we won’t let that get us down

‘Cause we come here to shine

We know how hungry belly feel

And why some people turn and steal

We see the wrongs we need to heal

So we come here to shine


We come here from Supenaam, Lusignaan, New Amsterdam

We come from Kingston and Backdam

We come here to shine

We come here from LBI

From Black Bush Polder, from Annai,

From Buxton and Karasabai

We come here to shine

(Verse 3)

Dont talk to me ‘bout separate

We come here to congregate

and help each other stand up straight

We come here to shine

We know it’s not an easy time

We know we have to bear the grind

We’re here to seek and yes to find

We come here to shine


We come here from Supenaam, Golden Grove, New Amsterdam

We come from Linden and Backdam

We come here to shine

We come here from LBI

from Providence and from Annai

from Uitvlugt and Karasabai

We come here to shine

We come here from Adventure

Vreed en Hoop and Parika

We come here from Bartica

We come here to shine


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