{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for the webform help support. */ #} {{ attach_library('webform/webform.help.support') }}

{{ 'Getting involved and support options'|t }} (more information)

{{ 'Get involved'|t }}

{{ 'Get involved in the Drupal community and the Webform module. Review a patch, write documentation, contribute code, volunteer at an event, and more...'|t }}
{{ 'Contribute'|t }}
{{ 'Open to all'|t }}

{{ 'Drupal Association'|t }}

{{ "The Drupal Association is an educational non-profit organization that tasks itself with fostering and supporting the Drupal software project, the community and its growth."|t }}
{{ 'Join'|t }}
{{ 'Starting at $5 a month'|t }}

{{ 'Fund development'|t }}

{{ 'Help fund the day-to-day tasks required to maintain the Webform module. Funds are used to triage issues, resolve security issues, and tag new releases.'|t }}
{{ 'Fund'|t }}
{{ 'Starting at $5 a month'|t }}