Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Information Technology
The BSc in Information Technology offers a more rounded educational experience than an Associate degree in the discipline, and is equivalent to BSc in Information Technology degrees offered by many regional and internationally recognized academic institutions. This degree is crafted using the 2008 guidelines for Information Technology curriculum provided by the ACM. The BSc offers academic and practical study in a range of contemporary areas in Information Technology and Information Systems. Students are exposed to technical areas in the field that allows for the development of Information Technology Solutions. Further, students are exposed to critical management and governance elements that are critical for the effective use of information technology and information systems. In addition, the BSc exposes students to the ethical and social issues with information technology. The BSc in Information Technology offers students with unique opportunities to explore the design and development of solutions to known problems in their workplace and society.
The capstone course exposes students to the applied research elements of information technology and allows for the development of solutions to organizational problems. The experiences from the capstone project prepare students directly for the world of work and in some cases allow students to develop solutions to existing problems in their workplace.