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1. R Gobin, O Perreira, S Goberdhan, M Sharma et al. Strengthening Guyana’s primary healthcare system: use of participatory methods to prepare for a community-based, task-shifting intervention in the CONgregations Taking ACTion against NCDs (CONTACT) Study. WIMJ.Vol 68 (Suppl 1): 1–84 (31). June 2019  View Abstract


2S Harding, C Elia, R Gobin, U Read, et al. Perspectives from the congregations taking action against non-communicable diseases (CONTACT) study: Opportunities and challenges for a paradigm shift in strengthening primary healthcare systemsWIMJ.Vol 68 (Suppl 1): 1–84 (54). June 2019  View Abstract


3.O Perreira, UM Read, R Gobin, S Goberdhan et al. Recruitment and training of health advocates in the congregations taking action against non-communicable diseases (CONTACT) study in Guyana: Challenges and solutions.WIMJ.Vol 68 (Suppl 1): 1–84 (55). June 2019  View Abstract


4. S Goberdhan, R Gobin, O Perreira, M Sharma et al. Participatory mapping informs implementation of the congregations taking action against non-communicable diseases (CONTACT) Study health system strengthening intervention in rural GuyanaWIMJ.Vol 68 (Suppl 1): 1–84 (68). June 2019  View Abstract


5. M Sharma, R Gobin, S Goberdhan, O Perreira et al.Use of local primary healthcare centres in rural Guyana: Confidence in quality of services a major theme in the congregations taking action against non-communicable diseases (CONTACT) study. WIMJ.Vol 68 (Suppl 1): 1–84 (69). June 2019. View Abstract (Won Second Prize for Best Poster at the CARPHA Annual Health Conference 2019)


6. Harding S, Read U, Gobin R, Ricketts P, Rambaran M et al. Integrating places of worship into the primary care pathway to prevent and control non-communicable diseases in the Caribbean. . West Indian Medical Journal 2016;65:72.  View Abstract