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Mr. Gregory Hodge
UOG PhD. Student in Biodiversity
Department of Forestry


  • Certificate in Forestry, Guyana School of Agriculture.
  • Certificate in Agriculture, Guyana School of Agriculture.
  • Diploma in Forestry, Guyana School of Agriculture.
  • BSc. in Forestry, University of Guyana.
  • MSc. in Natural Resources and Environmental Management – Climate Change, University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Education, University of Guyana.
  • Forest Governance: Concepts, approaches and applications, Wageningen UR Center for Development Innovation and Tropenbos International.
  • Use of Comprehensive Probabilistic Risk Assessment (COPRA) Software, Civil Defense Commission, Guyana.
  • Construction and Development of Scientific and Technological Park for the Caribbean and South Pacific Region, Ministry of Agriculture, People’s Republic of China.
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Forest and Land Cover Mapping (ONF International, REDD+ for the Guiana Shield.
  • Biogas Technology for Latin America, Caribbean and South Pacific Countries, Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, People’s Republic of China.
  • Expanding Bio-energy Opportunities in Guyana, Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana.
  • Integrated Livelihood Baselines and Damage and Loss Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in Agriculture, FAO.
  • Reduced impact Logging, Forestry Training Centre Inc.


Research Interests:

  • Ecology 
  • Carbon Sequestration and Management of Mangroves
  • Restoration Ecology in Mined-out Sites
  • Production of Renewable Energy (Biogas) from Agricultural Waste
  • Plantation Forestry for Energy Production
  • Forest Governance