Procedure for Registration
- Identify courses based on the programme in which you are enrolled and register for them using our Student Records Management System (SRMS).
- Wait for your registration approval from your Head of Department and Assistant Dean. Your complete Registration Invoice (Tuition fee/Lab fee/Exam fee/Student Union dues, etc.) will be generated as soon as you receive approval for your registration from Head of Department and Assistant Dean.
- Print your tuition and miscellaneous invoice. Make two or three photocopies of the same. If you are applying for a loan you will need to detach the tuition invoice from the miscellaneous invoice.
- Cash Student: If you are paying for your tuition by cash, take your invoice to any Branch of the Republic Bank, Acc.# 688-062-9 and make your payment of both tuition, miscellaneous and any other fee which may be necessary (depending on the programme you are registering in). Bank slips should be filled in triplicate (one copy each for the Bank/UG/Student).
- Loan Student: If you are paying for your tuition through the loan process, detach your tuition invoice and take same along with a signed copy of your offer letter to the Student Loan Agency or other Loan facility and apply for your loan to obtain your loan award. Pay your miscellaneous fees to any branch of the Republic bank, Acc. #688-062-9. Bank slips should be filled in triplicate (one copy each for the Bank/UG/Student).
Once you have been accepted into a programme or you are a continuing student, you may uplift your loan documents from the Student Loan Agency prior to obtaining your invoice to expedite processing.
- Sponsor/Waiver Student: If you are in receipt of a tuition waiver or you are being sponsored, you must obtain your waiver or sponsorship letter and pay your miscellaneous fee and obtain a receipt (where applicable). Bank slips should be filled in triplicate (one copy each for the Bank/UG/Student).
- Cash Student: Staple your bank slips (as proof of payment of tuition and other fees) to the copy of your invoice and drop it into your Faculty/School box located in the University Bursary.
- Loan Student: Staple your bank slip or other proof of payment of your miscellaneous fees to your loan award (payment of your miscellaneous fees can be made to any branch of the Republic Bank – Acc # 688-062-9) and a copy of your invoice and drop it into your Faculty/School box located in the University Bursary.
- Sponsor/Waiver Student: Staple your tuition invoice, your waiver/sponsorship letter and your receipt/or bank slip for your miscellaneous fees, if applicable. (Payment of your miscellaneous fees can be made to any branch of the Republic Bank – Acc # 688-062-9) and drop it into your Faculty/School box located in the University Bursary.
- Within three to five days check the SRMS (Turkeyen) or the SRMS (Berbice) to determine your financial status (this can be done from any P.C. with internet access home/work/internet café or at designated Registration Centres on Campus.
Your registration is not complete until you are in receipt of your Confirmation of Registration Letter and Student Identification/Registration Card.