UG creates opportunities for students in the arts
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 - 17:59UG Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ivelaw Griffith (centre right) and Manager of UG Press, Danniebelle Mohabir (centre left), pose with winners and sponsors of the logo competition
– through logo competitions
THE University of Guyana Press (UGP) recently concluded a logo competition for which students were given the opportunity to showcase their artistic skills, and create a logo for UG Press.
The winners were on Thursday announced and awarded prizes for their skillful contribution.
The judges of the competition indicated that 60 entries were received. That number was trimmed down to 40 and the judges were deeply impressed with the work that the students produced.
Mr. Dwayne Hackett, speaking on behalf of the panel, said that some of the entries misunderstood the scope of the competition while some gave a broader academic perception. He stated that quite a number of the entries were outstanding in portraying the concept of UG Press.
However, Hackett said that no other entry matched the popularity of the winning entry. The first place award went to Hemendra Bhola. “His entry was the highest ranked amongst the judges. We were therefore in full agreement in declaring this entry the winner of the competition,” he said.
He added that Bhola’s design not only made use of the national colours of Guyana, but was also concise, and shows excellent composition and thoughtful conceptualisation.
Bhola is currently in New York and was unable to attend the prize giving ceremony, but Jamal Goodluck, a friend of his, spoke on his behalf.
The University of Guyana Press Logo created by Hemendra Bhola
Jamal shared that Bhola’s love for art and designing started in primary school and developed in secondary school. He started winning competitions such as these, since he was in third form. Bhola was also recognised as the designer of the logo currently being used by the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana. He has extensive knowledge in all sorts of graphic designs, and though not an arts student, is grateful for the opportunity to showcase and be recognised for his additional skills.
The winner was awarded a trip to Kaieteur Falls, compliments of Evergreen Adventures and the second place winner was awarded a trip to Arrowpoint Nature Resort, courtesy of Captain Gerry Gouveia, Roraima Airways.
The second place entry was a collaborative effort of three students, Jonathan Jacobus, Omari Joseph and Keston Keyes.
Speaking on behalf of the three, Jacobus expressed how happy they were for the platform to showcase their artistic skillset.
Vice Chancellor of UG, Professor Ivelaw Griffith, shared that many opportunities like these will be created for students. As a matter of fact, he said, the University is set to launch an Institute for Food and Nutrition Security on October 25 this year, and a logo competition will be held for same.
UGP was established in 2017, following the signing of a partnership agreement between the University of Guyana and Ian Randle Publishers, and serves as a medium for the dissemination of knowledge not only to students, but to every reachable individual.
UGP will be a publisher of books, monographs, scholarly journals, and digital materials from lectures and students of UG.
The first book is expected to be published before the end of the year.
Source: http://guyanachronicle.com/2018/10/06/ug-creates-opportunities-for-students-in-the-arts