Tactical Online Services (TOS) Unit
The Tactical Online services (TOS) Unit was established in July 15, 2020 to oversee the reconceptualization and repurposing of the information technology services and functions at the University of Guyana (UG). Specifically, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this unit has been tasked with preparing and supporting the University in delivering tertiary education – both presently and in the future, with regards to eLearning (teaching, assessment, research, laboratory exercises, library services, etc.), eAdministration (admissions, bursary, examinations, alumni, library, etc.), and eServices (public relations and services for students, staff, guests, etc.). Simply put, TOS manages the consolidation of the University’s eLearning Platform through assisting the students, staff, alumni, and guests into transitioning from face to face interactions to an online environment.
Mr Malcolm Williams is the Director of TOS.
As can be seen in the “Sub-units of TOS” diagram, there are four sub-units that fall directly under TOS and one sub-unit that is linked to the TOS Unit but is a part of CoETaL. Each of these sub-units is explained below.
- IT Governance, Research, Innovation, and Security (IGRIS) address all issues and policies relating to cyber security, ethics, and general safety of students, faculty, and staff while carrying our functions using the University’s eLearning platform. This is a new sub-unit, created specifically for TOS. Mr Malcolm Williams is the current Director of IGRIS.
- Software Services and Educational Technology Applications (SSETA) oversees all communication platforms and applications (such as Moodle and Zoom) used by the University, and the administration needs of the University – such as the digital gradebook and the management of SRMS and HRMIS. This was a pre-existing department at the University that was placed within TOS upon creation of the latter. Mr. Sekhar Moses Mallampati is the Director of SSETA.
- Infrastructure and IT Services (also referred to as the Centre for Information Technology, CIT) oversees the physical aspects and communication channels for the University by addressing connectivity challenges, overseeing the email accounts of staff, and maintaining a repository of software that the University’s communities use. This was a pre-existing department at the University that was placed within TOS upon creation of the latter.
- Client, Core Services, and Enterprise Support (CCSES) oversees aspects relating to payments, refunds, and staff salaries for the University, and provides client services and support for students, faculty, and staff. This is a new sub-unit, created specifically for TOS. Mr Rayman Khan is the current Director of CCSESu.
- Educational Onlining Support Services (EDOSS) focuses on capacity building of faculty, staff, and students as they migrate to online mode. This is a new unit that has strong links to TOS; however, it currently works out of the Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CoETaL). Dr Charmaine Bissessar is the Director of EDOSS.
These five units co-ordinate, finding synergies and supporting each other, to ensure the core values of TOS are upheld: teamwork, leadership, empathy, commitment, continuous learning, service-oriented, client-focused, and, of course, visionary!
To be the effective and efficient technological backbone of the educational systems infrastructure to enable and support the delivery of the mandate of the University of Guyana.
Transform the delivery of education at the University of Guyana such that tertiary education is accessible, available, people-centric, convenient and economical for ALL through the leveraging of innovative, reliable, robust and appropriate ICTs and Educational Technology solutions.