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UG Prepares for First Oil and Beyond

Monday, July 9, 2018 - 13:57

Professor Ivelaw Griffith, C.C.H, Tenth Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Guyana is please to make the following announcements as part of the university's preparation for the First Oil and Beyond.


The Faculty of Technology 

has been renamed the

Faculty Of Engineering & Technology


A new department of Pertroleum and Geological Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology is being planned for operation from January 2019.


A Consortium for Post-secondary Institutions The Higher Education Consortium on Engineering and Mining - is being established to streamlined and strengthen education delivery and


New Associate and Masters degree programmes in Petroleum Engineering will be offered from January 2019 in conjunction with the University of Trinidad and Tobago and the University of the West Indies.


New Programmes

The University will also be offering several new degree programmes:

 - Bachelor of Nursing (Berbice Campus, September 2018)

 - Associate of Civil Engineering (Berbice Campus, September 2018)

 - Bachelor oh Psychology (September 2019)

 - Masters in Psychology (September 2019)

 - Bachelor in Youth Work (January 2019)

 - Masters in Medicine - Orthopaedics and Traumatology (September 2018)

 - Bachelor of Science in Food Safety (January 2019)