UG's Ceremonial Opening for the Academic Year 2021/2022
Monday, October 25, 2021 - 11:44“Let Not Your Destiny And Your Promise Be Stolen From You By Any Small Or Great Thing” – UG’s VC Tells Students at Ceremonial Opening for New Academic Year 2021/22
The University of Guyana (UG) on Friday, October 22, 2021, extended a warm welcome to over nine thousand new and continuing students who are scheduled to commence classes on Monday, October 25, 2021, with various speakers urging them to work diligently and remain focussed as they continue in their quest to achieve academic success.
Approximately 65% of the University’s classes will remain online for the first semester from October 2021 to January 2022 due to prevailing COVID-19 conditions as well as major building works arising from recent extreme weather conditions. The remaining 35%, mostly consisting of laboratory and field exercises, are expected to be blended and face-to-face delivered at the various campuses for specific courses or parts of courses only in the first semester. Students will be notified directly of the schedule as well as safety measures they are expected to comply with if any of their courses are to be held face-to-face. Schedules will also be posted on Faculty websites.
During the University’s Commencement Ceremony which was held virtually, Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Prof. Edward Greene expounded that despite the unique circumstances, UG is thrilled to be welcoming the students and expressed confidence that the University’s management team, led by Prof. Paloma Mohamed Martin, will do all that is necessary to ensure students are successful.
According to Prof. Greene, during these unprecedented times where learning is blended, that is; face-to-face and online, UG has not diminished in its commitment to educating its future entrepreneurs, scientists, historians, engineers, doctors, teachers, writers, poets, artists, and leaders and citizens as a whole.
"We look forward to the day when full on-campus and classroom interactions can be restored. This is important because paramount to academic achievement and excellence is experiencing and contributing to the diversity, equity, and inclusion of your academic community,” Prof. Greene expressed.
“I am also pleased that the Vice-Chancellor and her staff aspire to foster an environment where we learn from each other; where we encourage one another; where we foster a community free of intolerance and discrimination; and where we promote a climate in which ideas and ideologies compete as we push frontiers of knowledge and learning in an environment that is respectful, civil, supportive, and safe,” Prof. Greene added.
In delivering the keynote address, Vice-Chancellor XI, Prof. Paloma Mohamed Martin told the students that this is a continuation and/or beginning of one of the most significant journeys of their adult life. “It is life-changing because a university education distinguishes you in several ways and gives you a better outcome for earning and mobility,” the VC said.
“It has long been proven that a university education is one of the best indicators of future economic and social mobility not only for the graduate but also for their families and the communities in which they find themselves. It is therefore a highly competitive process and further intended to test and elicit your true mettle, talents, and abilities. It is undoubtedly your privilege to be amongst the top 10% of this year’s graduates from feeder institutions across Guyana who have made it into university. Therefore, take full advantage of this singular opportunity,” Prof. Mohamed Martin encouraged.
Further, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Mohamed Martin took the opportunity to remind the students that they are a part of a proud and powerful community of around ten thousand present students and one thousand staff of the University.
“This means you have special access to a community with more than 40,000 alumni all over this planet. Despite the ongoing disruption of COVID and its effects, you are entering the University at a very exciting time. You are continuing at a time when UG is now 58 years and is fast approaching its 60th year in 2023,” the VC added.
Prof. Mohamed Martin noted that UG is currently in the early stages of rolling out its Blueprint 2040. She explained that UG’s Blueprint 2040 has four important aspirational goals and they are all centered around students who are the bearers, leaders, and architects of the future.”
Registrar of the University of Guyana, Dr. Nigel Gravesande also shared words of encouragement with the students. "The moment you are enrolled, the University of Guyana regards you as a young adult as 80% of you are under the age of twenty-three, we hope that you will learn to be independent and take responsibility for your decisions and may you tap into your interest to grow with UG's community and environment."
University of Guyana Students’ Society (UGSS) representative Mr. Delroy Marks urged the students to “take this new journey one step at a time and you will see the true version of yourself after you would have finished UG.”
“You are on a journey to greatness and you are on a journey to change our country for the better and UGSS is here to support you on that journey,” he added.
Announcements were delivered by the Deputy Registrar of the UG, Dr. Theodosius Velloza.
There were cultural renditions performed by; Mr. Hanani Lewi, Ms. Moudy Zhu, Mr. Al Creighton, Mr. Aditya Persaud, and Mr. Keon Heywood.
The ceremonial opening was eloquently chaired by the Assistant Registrar-Students’ Welfare, Ms. Daniella King.
The full ceremonial opening proceedings can be viewed by clicking the link here: https://zoom.us/rec/share/a1SKBL1SpYE9miERGPeYPtq_62ZN-tx6OhIeTDkPJo_G2MiQQTxMM5-nHO2PK35a.ufgp7EoaGvBMLyEY
University of Guyana Chancellor, Prof. Edward Greene
University of Guyana, XI, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Paloma Mohamed Martin
Drumming Medley performed by (L – R) Mr. Al Creighton and Mr. Aditya Persaud
Programmes Offered
For a list of all University of Guyana’s graduate programmes please click on the following link: https://feh.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments/191/programmes/
For a full list of UG’s Programme offerings kindly visit the following website: https://www.turkeyenonline.uog.edu.gy/srms/student/prospective/about_applying/offeredprogs.php.
Prospective students can also find their programme of choice by exploring the following links:
College of Medical Sciences - https://fhs.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry - https://faf.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Education and Humanities - https://feh.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences – https://fees.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Engineering and Technology - https://fot.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Natural Sciences - https://fns.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Faculty of Social Sciences - https://fss.uog.edu.gy/srms/departments
Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE) - https://idce.uog.edu.gy/programmes-offered
The University of Guyana is the 58th-year State University of Guyana. It offers 136 programmes in over 60 disciplines online and face-to-face in 8 campuses across Guyana. With a student population of now 10,000, UG has provided education, learning, and research for over 50,000 alumni. The mission of the University is to discover, generate, disseminate and apply knowledge of the highest standard for the service of the community, the nation, and of all mankind within an atmosphere of academic freedom that allows for free and critical inquiry. UG's forward-thinking Blueprint 2040 is currently setting the course for the University's future design and institutional response to the changing needs of Guyana.