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UG’s School of Graduate Studies and Research to Host Third Graduate Symposium on Oct. 2 to 4; Several Cutting-Edge Presentations Expected

Monday, September 23, 2024 - 10:59

The University of Guyana School of Graduate Studies and Research (UGSGSR) will host its Third Graduate Symposium from October 2-4, 2024, at the University’s Turkeyen Campus. The event will feature several high-profile speakers and will be held under the theme ‘Vulnerability, Resilience, and Change Towards Sustainability: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives’. Under this theme, there are four sub-themes, namely: Environmental Change, Social Change, Economic Change, and Scientific and Technological Change.

The selected theme and sub-themes recognise that environmental, social, economic, scientific, and technological changes occur as a result of both natural and anthropogenic processes and that, over time, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary methodologies have been incorporated as integral approaches to build community resilience and adaptation as pivotal means to combat change.

Dean of UG’s School of Graduate Studies and Research Coordinator of the Graduate Symposium, Prof. Paulette Bynoe

The Symposium has attracted participants from across the Caribbean and beyond. These include academics and researchers, policymakers, media experts, consultants, and members of international organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), UNICEF, and several other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Conservation International (CI)-Guyana, and the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Research.

Keynote speakers include the Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Minister of Human Services & Social Security; Professor Paloma Mohamed-Martin, Vice-Chancellor XI, UG; Dr. Mahendra Persaud, A.A., Chief Scientist, Guyana Rice Development Board; Dr. Ulric Trotz, Former Deputy Director of the CARICOM Climate Change Centre; Dr. Garvin Cummings, Chief Hydro-Meteorological Officer, Ministry of Agriculture; and Dr. Gillian Smith, FAO Country Representative, among others.

The more than forty (40) diverse graduate presentations, each a unique exploration of the thematic areas, include:

  1. Machine Learning-Driven Optimisation of Temperature for Enhanced Hydrogen Production through Catalytic Pyrolysis of Biomass.
  2. Factors Contributing to Maternal Mortality in Guyana: Applying Thaddeus and Maine’s Three Delays Model for Targeted Interventions.
  3. A Dive into Thermoelectric Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (TE-OTEC): Potential for Implementation in Jamaica.
  4. Coastal Carbon Storage in Degraded, Natural, and Restored Mangrove Ecosystems of Guyana.
  5. Predicting Malaria Incidence in Tropical Countries Using Climate Variability Trends and ARIMA Modelling; and
  6. Project-Based Learning to Enhance Medical Students' Engagement and Skill Development in Mental Health Outreach Programmes Post-COVID-19.

Dean of UG’s School of Graduate Studies and Research and Coordinator of the Graduate Symposium, Prof. Paulette Bynoe, said: “This third symposium is not just a platform for delivering papers, but a vibrant space for graduate students, academics, and professionals to engage in lively discussions on the current interrelated thematic areas. It is also a forum for disseminating information to create and enhance awareness of issues emanating from human-environment interactions.”

The symposium will be held in a blended format. Members of the public can attend this event online, and registration is free. Please click here to register:

Over the years, the University of Guyana has been involved in several ground-breaking research projects which continue to add to the existing body of knowledge in various areas of academic research. To learn more about UG’s research, please visit:

For more information on UG’s graduate programmes, research training, and studentships, please visit: