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1.0 Philosophy of the Programme

We believe that; nursing is both a science and an art and that academic training will furnish students, through theoretical studies and research, with tools needed for the critical scientific approach to nursing practice. Educating nurses in a tertiary institution, in a multidisciplinary setting, will broaden their perspective and provide scope for critical analysis. The education that nurses receive must enable them to become agents of change and to influence policies which will impact the health care system. The cognitive skills and attitudes of the nurses educated at this level will enhance their ability to demonstrate leadership and competence in the delivery of health care.


2.0 Programme Description

The BSc. Nursing Programme is a two years programme that builds on the RN diploma curriculum which comprises content areas from the biological, behavioral and nursing sciences as well as courses from the liberal education. The biological sciences focus on individuals in their human form and the internal and external biological stimuli that affect them. The behavioral sciences address the socialization and the relationships of individuals as they interact within the units of families, groups and communities. The curriculum centered around the eight domains which serve as anchors of nursing practice; Nursing Practice, Professional Conduct, Health Promotion and Maintenance of Wellness, Nursing Leadership and Management, Professional Reflection and Visioning, Communication, Caring Interventions and Clinical Decision-making.


3.0 Educational aims

The BSc Nursing programme is designed to build on the knowledge and competencies that registered nurses acquire in their three year diploma programme (Registered Nurse programme).The programme is intended to broaden students' overall theoretical base and practical experiences within the framework of public health, management, teaching and clinical nursing and also to provide opportunities for students to enhance skills such as critical thinking and research application.


4.0 Learning outcomes

The nursing courses in the curriculum are designed to develop knowledge background and clinical experiences upon previous nursing courses which are offered at diploma level. These courses focus on developing and strengthening critical areas such as the personal and professional growth, leadership, caring, and teaching role of the nurse; assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating care for individuals, groups, and populations; fostering decision making skills and preparing nurses to be critical consumers of research. The programme provides learning experiences that enable the student to develop and maintain the attitudes, knowledge, and specific skills essential for professional nursing practice.


5.0 Teaching, Learning and assessment methods

The BSc. Nursing Programme utilizes a combination of teaching/learning techniques that are learner-centered. Some of the most common teaching/learning methods that will be used includes lectures, audiovisual aids, software tools (e.g. moodle), simulation and role playing. These methods are tailored to meet the unique learning needs of students.