I had privilege to attend the conference on, “Creating Healthy Working Environments,” hosted by Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing, in New Orleans, Louisiana, from 22nd to 25th February, 2019. The Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is the second-largest nursing organization in the world with approximately 135,000 active members. There were approximately 200 oral and 300 poster presentations that were presented at this event. I am grateful for the opportunity to do a poster presentation at this prestigious nursing conference.
The event, “Creating Healthy Working Environment,” was designed to help leaders in both academic and clinical settings to develop, implement, and maintain strategies that will improve their organization's work environment. The conference was well organized and successfully met the objectives to advocate and champion the standards for establishing healthy working practices and to engage leaders at all levels to create and sustain healthy work environments.
Some of the topics presented at the conference were: managing work-related stress, incivility, bullying and violence at work place, simulation in learning, professional development opportunities, inter-professional education, bridging the gap between academic and clinical areas, nurse residency programs, transformational leadership and innovative strategies in nursing education among many others.
I have done a poster presentation on "Challenges and Strategies of Nursing Education in Guyana and India, a Qualitative Study," which was well received. Having completed a Moderator course (online) offered by Sigma, I volunteered as a Moderator for the three of the research presentation sessions at this conference.
Overall, each item presented at the conference was very informative and beneficial. I had great opportunity to learn about global and regional nursing trends and network with nursing professionals from different countries. On a positive note, the CEO of the Sigma Theta Tau International expressed interest in starting a Research Chapter for the Nursing Department, University of Guyana.
Thanks again to the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Vice Chancellor for their support in providing me this wonderful opportunity to represent University of Guyana, in a prestigious International Nursing Conference.
Submitted by
Tabitha Mallampati BSN, MSN
Lecturer I
Department of Public Health
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Guyana