Department of Public Health
Dr. Genalin Ang is a doctor of Optometry and practicing since 1991. She specializes in pediatric optometry, low vision, and contact lens. Aside from optometry, Dr. Ang attains her Master’s degree in Education, teaching at the University of Guyana from 2010 and coordinates the Optometry program from 2011 to 2016. She also assists the optometry students to conduct researches in the related field.
Dr. Genalin Ang possesses a Philippine license as a doctor of Optometry, Diagnostic Ocular Pharmacology for Optometry and Professional teacher, as well as a license in Guyana Medical Council and International Association of Contact lens educators in Australia.
Dr. Genalin Ang previously served as a VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas by the European Union) and heads the Optometry under Caribbean Council for the Blind in 2012. She has been instrumental in the development of primary eye care in Guyana and pioneer the regional clinical outreaches in Guyana and Caribbean, facilitate low vision clinics across Guyana, develop, trained refraction and advance low vision program.
Courses taught:
BSO 2105 Introduction of Low Vision
BSO 2107 Clinical Optometry 1B
BSO 2901 Clinical Attachment
BSO 3105 Advance Low Vision
BSO 4101 Contact Lens 1A
BSO 4103 Occupational Optometry
BSO 4202 Contact Lens 1B
BSO 4203 Clinical attachment
Research Interest:
Community Optometry, Early Identification with Visually Impaired, and Contact lens anomalies in a rural country.