Department of Public Health
I am a lecturer in the Department of Public Health. I did my Master of Science in Nursing in St John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore, India, under Rajiv Gandhi University, Karnataka, India. I have been extensively involved in nursing education for the past 17 years in India and Guyana, where BSN nurses are trained to be effective in delivering quality health care. My duties as a lecturer mainly are teaching, clinical supervision and research supervision. I also served as the Coordinator for Nursing Programme for the academic years 2009/2010 and 2015/2016.
I have been teaching Nutrition, Nursing Care and Health Care Delivery, Communication Skills in Nursing, Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Adult.
I guide several undergraduate researches each year. I have been supervising nursing students to accomplish their nursing practicum objectives. During my nine years of teaching (as at September 2016) in the University of Guyana, I have supervised several undergraduate students’ research who did well in completing their research projects and were selected to do higher studies, Medicine etc. and were promoted in their professional career.
The various teaching methods that I use are the following: class room discussions, clinical application of caring theories, anecdotal, role plays, videos, reflection, case studies, Therapeutic diet presentations, menu plans, creative brochures and posters, Seminars, case scenarios, discussions, concept mapping, clinical pathways, Problem Based Learning and Algorithms.
Each year as a class activity my Nutrition course students conduct Nutrition Exhibition on “World Food Day” on 16th October.
My research paper on “An assessment of dietary and physical activity behaviors among adolescents in selected secondary schools of Guyana” was published in West Indian Medical Journal and I also presented it in the CARPHA Conference, 25th - 27th June 2015 in Grenada.
Courses taught
NUR 3103: Applied Nutrition
NUR 3102: Caring in Nursing and Health care delivery
NUR 4103: Communication skills for Nurses
EHO 2103: Nutrition
NUR 3203: Care of Acute & Chronically ill Adult
NUR 4100: Research Project (supervision)
NUR 4201: Nursing Practicum
Research Interests
- Non communicable diseases and prevention & control
- Health promotion behaviors
- Nutrition
- Cancer
- Nursing Education
- Nursing practice
Published Papers & Presentations
- An Assessment of Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviours of Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in Guyana
- Research paper on "BSN students/ graduates attitudes to and awareness of research and development within nursing" was presented at various scientific gatherings such as at scientific research day by School of education& humanities on May 3rd 2012, at GPHC on 8th May 2012 during Nurses day celebration and at 28th Biennial conference of Caribbean Nurses Organization in Suriname during Oct 23-25 2012.
Research in Progress:
- A comparative study of life style behaviors of undergraduate nursing students of selected institution in India and University of Guyana.