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Private sector objects to business representative on UG Council

Monday, March 12, 2018 - 15:00

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) says it is extremely disappointed with regards to the appointment of the representative of business on the Council of the University of Guyana.

In a statement yesterday, the PSC said that on the 27/6/17 it was written to by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education requesting the nomination of a representative of the PSC and it nominated the executive head of the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry (CAGI), the organisation which it consider to be the Private Sector authority on education and human development matters to sit on the new council.

This has been the custom and practice for the last over 25 years, the PSC said. However, the government announced recently, that businesswoman Allison Butters-Grant would be representing the business community. It is unclear who nominated her but the PSC objection underlines those by others about interference by the government in the composing of the council. Butters-Grant has been seen to have formed a close relationship with the government.

Unions at the University of Guyana had also objected to the manner in which the council was being composed given efforts over many years by governments to control the council.

It is important that the voice of the PSC which is the umbrella Pivate Sector organisation for business to be represented on the council, the PSC statement said.

“We urge that those responsible correct this anomaly forthwith”, the statement added.

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