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HELLO Student Loans

Students wishing to obtain a student loan must complete the application forms listed below and visit the Student Loan Agency, located on the University Campus, as soon as they have received their place-offer letter.

Student Loan Agency

SLA Loan Policies and Guidelines
Ministry of Finance (Student Loan) Notice

Note: The Student Loan Agency is NOT currently operational online. Therefore, all loan applications & accompanying documents (see the Requirement Listing below) MUST be physically submitted to the Agency Office.


Loan Application 2024-2025
Guarantor Affidavit 2024-2025
Consent Form 2024-2025
Loan Requirement Listing 2024/2025
SLA Salary Deduction Authorisation Form (to be completed by employed students at Government agencies / Established entities)
Email Address: Tel: 222 5412--5 , 222-5418