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Renaissance Vol. 1 No. 1

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 00:43

The Office of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG) is pleased to share with you this first edition of Renaissance, a monthly publication that captures various facets of development surrounding the nation’s premier tertiary institution. 

In this edition we bring you retrospective and progressive perspectives from national and international contributors who are all alums and friends of UG. 

Renaissance takes you on a journey with footprints of the road travelled, pebbles picked up along the smooth but sometimes tumultuous terrain, and visions yet to be realised as we move through unchartered waters. Under new captaincy, the ship, UG, has set its sails steadily, resolutely, toward an onward, upward journey. 

For our next edition we invite you to submit news items, short articles, poems and high resolution pictures of activities related to the national agenda and consistent with the development trajectory of UG. Share with us how UG has contributed to building industry and livelihoods for citizens both at home and abroad. 

Our email address is Do share Renaissance with at least ten of your friends and send us their email contacts to facilitate direct mailing of future editions. We thank you for being part of this transformative initiative. 

Read, reflect and be inspired to join in the Renaissance