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UG Not Demanding Tuition from Students: Deadlines Relaxed During Covid Safe Mode Period

Monday, May 25, 2020 - 14:44

The Transitional Management Committee (TMC) of the University of Guyana advises that UG is not demanding tuition fees from students at this time.

However, due to various queries in the last week, a blanket note was sent by the Registry Division via UG’s internal Students Records Management Systems (SRMS) on May 22, 2020 in response to those queries, explaining what new online procedures are now in place to facilitate payments during this period.

It should be noted that persons still need such documents as transcripts, letters and so on. In addition, some students are paying fees since all student matters are not uniformed. However, for those who are experiencing difficulty, all dead- lines have been relaxed thus far.

The note from the Registry mentioned no deadline and should not be read as a demand for payment of fees.

The TMC wishes to re-iterate to students that there is currently no enforced deadline for payment of fees and the Uni- versity has not and is not demanding fees at this time and in these circumstances.

It is hoped that this clarification brings relief to any student to whom the situation was not clear.

Please also be guided to refer to the University’s HRMIS, SRMS and official website for further updates and all official notifications.

The University (staff and students) are currently in safe mode, and the administration is working to support students as far as possible during this period.

Transitional Management Committee (TMC)
May 25, 2020
