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University of Guyana to Host Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference from May 31 – June 4; First time in Guyana in 45 Years

Thursday, May 27, 2021 - 08:55

University of Guyana to Host Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference from May 31 – June 4; First time in Guyana in 45 Years

Over 1000 professionals in various fields and hundreds of youths from across the globe are expected to participate in the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) 45th Annual Conference which is to be held virtually and for the first time in Guyana, from May 31 – June 4, 2021. The University of Guyana is the local organizing partner of the Conference. 

This year, the five-day conference will feature many concurrent discussions on issues related to three major sub-themes namely, 1. "Identity, Politics and Caribbean Development, 2. "Industry and Ecology" and 3. "Industry and the Intelligent Economy."  

There will be several Keynote presentations including by Dr. Tavis Jules, President of CSA and London based Guyanese novelists, Dr Michelle Yaa Asantewa.  There will also be a high-level plenary (panel) of past CSA Presidents headed by the University of Guyana Chancellor, Professor Edward Greene titled, "Reflecting on the Future of the CSA through the Lenses of the Past," and another titled, "The Life and Legacy of George Simon." The United States Ambassador and Secretary General (Designate) will also appear on a highlighted panel on women and leadership. 

Chancellor Greene said: “I commend the Executive of CSA led by its President, Guyanese born, Prof. Tavis Jules, at Loyola University, Chicago in collaboration with the University of Guyana led by Vice-Chancellor Professor Paloma Mohamed Martin, who dared to marshal a remarkable agenda with over 1000 participants spread over 5 days.  This demonstrates the resilience of leaders within the academy’s resolve to explore and share ideas from their research around the theme; Identity Politics, Industry, Ecology and the Intelligent Economy in Caribbean Societies.”

Chancellor Green, who is a past president of the CSA, added: “I am glad that Guyanese teachers and students at colleges and high schools have been specially invited to this significant event this accords with critical priorities of UG’s Strategic Blueprint “students” and “citizens” success.”

Several other high-profile speakers from both the public as well as the private sectors are expected to address the various sessions including the University’s Vice Chancellor Prof Paloma Mohamed. In addition to a rich cultural programme showcasing Guyana to the rest of the world, there will an emerging writer’s panel, and emerging scientists panel, a virtual Guyana showcase, as well as a Virtual Book Exhibition.

This year, for the fist time, because of the virtual nature of the programme, the University of Guyana, along with the Caribbean Studies Association, is offering free registration for Guyanese teachers, students and NGOs to the virtual event. Those wishing to take advantage of free registration, must register before Saturday 29 May 2021. To register, please click here

The Caribbean Studies Association is an independent, professional organization devoted to the promotion of Caribbean studies from a multidisciplinary, multicultural point of view. It is the primary association for scholars and practitioners working on the Caribbean Region (including Central America and the Caribbean Coast of South America). Its members come from the Caribbean Region, North America, South America, Central America, Europe and elsewhere. Founded in 1974 by 300 Caribbeanists, the CSA now has over 1100 members.

The Caribbean Studies Association enjoys non-profit status and is independent of any public or private institution. Membership is open to anyone interested in sharing its objectives, regardless of academic discipline, profession, ideology, place of residence, ethnic origin, or nationality.

Members of CSA have played leading roles in the Caribbean, most notably in public service and in academia. These include current and past service as leaders of governments, administrators in multilateral and bi-lateral regional organizations. Many of CSA current members serve in senior positions at Caribbean, North American, and European universities. The US Embassy in Guyana has provided support to the conference. 

For more information, please click on the link below.


Photo Caption: Prof. Edward Greene

Chancellor, University of Guyana



Dr Tavis Jules, President of the CSA

Contact: Ms. Krest Cummings

Public Relations Officer


Department of Events Conferences and Communications (DECC)






The University of Guyana is the 58th year state University of Guyana. It offers 136 programmes in over 60 disciplines online and face-to-face in 8 campuses across Guyana. With a student population of now 10,000, UG has provided education, learning and research for over 50,000 alumni. The mission of the University is to discover, generate, disseminate and apply knowledge of the highest standard for the service of the community, the nation and of all mankind within an atmosphere of academic freedom that allows for free and critical inquiry. UG’s forward thinking Blueprint 2040 is currently setting the course for the University’s future design and institutional response to the changing needs of Guyana.