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Welcome to the Berbice Campus Library

The University of Guyana Berbice Campus Library (UGBCL) is a Branch of the main University Library at Turkeyen. The Berbice Campus Library (BCL) is headed by a Deputy University Librarian, who reports to the University Librarian at Turkeyen.

One of our main objectives is to support the instructional, information and research needs of the academic community. BCL therefore aims to provide a variety of resources, which support and extend the teaching and research programmes of the University of Guyana. It is hoped that the extramural function of the library will develop as the library progresses.

Library Services

All registered users must present a valid University ID card, in order to borrow Library materials. Loan privileges are as follows:


Undergraduate, certificate & Diploma students – 6 items plus 2 for reading room use only.


Visiting Researchers – number specified by University Librarian.
Materials are loaned for two (2) weeks, one (1) week, 48 h and overnight.


Some materials are for use only in the library. These can be accessed on a 2-hour basis and include: Reserved, Caribbean, Journal Collections, Past Exam Papers, Course Outlines, Newspapers, The collection of Research Papers of Academic Staff and Past Students.

Assisting students in finding resources, hosting IL sessions, orienting/teaching students to resources/services and assisting students with research.

Black & White: $20.00 per page Coloured: $140.00 per page

If the book is part of the library's collection but is currently on loan, patrons can place a hold online in the Koha Database or visit the Circulation Desk.

  • The reservation process is managed on a first-come, first-served basis
  • A 48 hrs. book will be reserved for the borrower up to 10:00 hrs. on the day after it is due.
  • One (1) week book will be reserved for the borrower for 48hrs after it is due.

Patrons are asked to keep checking online to ascertain the availability of the book in order to uplift the same.

The BCL conducts in-house orientation and tours for all university students and staff members. Orientation sessions for new students are usually conducted at the beginning of the academic year or sometimes during the year as the need arises. In these sessions, students are informed of the library’s services, how to use the library, and getting access to the library resources. Additionally, the Library conducts tours for visitors to the campus and orientation for the visiting users.

Only books borrowed on 1 week loan can be renewed for a further week, via the telephone, email, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, or visiting the library with details of the author or title statement. Conditions of renewal:


  • Can only be renewed once.
  • Can only be renewed if not reserved by another user.
  • Can only be renewed on the day it is due, not before or after.
  • A 48 hrs. book cannot be renewed.

Photocopying of materials is done at a cost of $10.00 per exposure. All copyright regulations apply.

The Library offers spiral, soft cover and hard cover binding. Newspapers, thesis, final year research papers, etc.

The Library can obtain materials not in its collection from overseas or local sources. To request the same, patrons are asked to visit the Circulation Desk.

Persons who are not University students or staff members are considered visitors to the library and can be granted access to the library resources. All visitors are required to present a form of identification at the Information desk to gain access to the library and obtain a visitor's permission pass.

Borrowing privileges can also be granted to visitors once the requirements are met. Requirements include a non-refundable cautionary deposit and passport photographs.

The library conducts Information Literacy sessions for new students at the beginning of the academic year and also during the academic year in conjunction with faculties.

Patrons can browse the library’s catalogue online, check if a book is available, reserve books, preview a book, and check how many books are outstanding and many more features to make your library experience easier. Visit our online services at

All registered users are free to use these databases.

  • EBSCOHOST: is a collection of a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from lending information providers.
  • JSTOR: is a collection of academic journals and textbooks in all subject areas.
  • HINARI: is a collection of books and journals on biomedical and health literature.
  • JustisOne: is a legal database that provides full text access, for which the University of Guyana has access to the Caribbean Core which includes over 56,000 cases from 18 Caribbean jurisdictions.
  • Lexis Library: is a legal database that provides full text access to UK legislation and law reports, legal journals and commentary sources, and online versions of major research encyclopedias including Halsbury’s Laws of England, Atkins Court Forms and Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents.

Library Operational Hours

During the semester:

8:30 hrs.—20:00 hrs.
8:30 hrs.—16:30 hrs.

During the vacation/holiday period:

8:30 hrs.—17:00 hrs.
Operating hours may vary.

NB. The Circulation Desk opens ½ hr. after the Library opens and closes ½ hr. before the Library closes

Library Closure

  • All public holidays
  • One (1) week in December, during the main Christmas holidays.

Readers' Services Division

Berbice Campus

The Readers’ Services Division is divided into 3 main sections:

  • Education & Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Services Department

Education & Humanities and Social Sciences

This section consists of books and other materials on Religion, Creative Arts, Criminology, Economics, Education, History, Languages, Law, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Local Government, Management, Sociology, Banking & Finance, Commerce, Reference (Atlas, dictionary, etc.)


Natural Sciences

This section consists of books on Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cookery, Health Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Technology and Library Science.

Services Department


The Services Department is the mobile friendly area and serves the following:

  • Request for general information
  • Registration of new and continuing students, staff and visitors.
  • Clearance of all departing students, staff members, and visitors.
  • Equipment Loans and Miscellaneous Loans
  • Reserved Collection (special materials requested by faculties, books in high demand and of limited copies.)
  • Online Database Access
  • Caribbean Collection
  • Students Final Year Research Papers
  • A Mini Map Section
  • Returning and borrowing of library materials
  • Photocopying
  • Financial transactions
  • Printing services
  • Renewals
  • Scanning


In the Services Department, one can also find:

  • The leisure corner – books include famous authors such as Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts, David Baldacci, Stephen King, Sandra Brown, Tom Clancy and many popular Harlequins authors among others.
  • New Additions
  • Academic Staff Research Papers/Theses
  • Magazine Display
  • Sample of Journal Collection

Frequently Asked Questions

Note the Library operating hours:

During the semester:
Mondays—Fridays: 8:30 hrs. — 20:00 hrs.
Saturdays: 8:30 hrs. — 16:30 hrs.

During the vacation/holiday period:
Mondays—Fridays: 8:30 hrs. — 17:00 hrs.
Saturdays: Operating hours may vary.

Students are only allowed to 6 items checked out at any one time. Reference books and Journals are not available for check-out. You may make copies of any pages that you need. Other limits include the Caribbean Collection.

All books on the catalogue with “pdf” next to the call no. are soft copies/ebooks which can be accessible at the Circulation Desk or by just clicking on the link next to the book on the catalogue.

Anything checked out in your account is your responsibility. If you lost a book, you will have to pay for a replacement copy, and the fines. Please declare books lost as soon as possible to stop the fines from accumulating.

Examine the following:

Type Of Book Fine
1 wk. loan $60 per day
48 h. loan $200 per day
2 h. loan $200 per hour
Over-night loan $200 per hour

Patrons with fines, charges, or overdue cannot register with the Library, or check out any additional items until the problem is resolved. Check with the library before registration or borrowing materials if you know you have a problem.

No food, drink, or such products are allowed in the Library

Just a minute, let me a have a look at our list of ebooks and also our online databases. Sometimes here might have an updated one.

Please, it is your responsibility to check the notice boards regularly or our social media platform for advisories.

The reason for this can be any of the following:

  • it is a 48 h. book
  • it is a book on the overnight loan
  • it was renewed once before
  • it has been reserved by someone

The desk closes half an hour before the closure of the library. Thus, if the library closes at 8:00 pm then the desk will be closed at 7:30 pm. This is to facilitate staff internal accounting, writing of reports and balancing the day proceedings.

Ah! You could have also tried the other contact methods listed on this page (Facebook, WhatsApp, Email, Etc.)