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Hours of Operation

Branch Period Opening Hours Service Hours
Turkeyen Monday - Friday
8:30 – 22:00h
8:30 – 17:00h
9:00 – 22:00h
9:00 – 17:00h


During Vacation

Closing times may be reduced or extended during the vacation periods. Notices will be displayed on notice boards and on this web page under 'News' prior to the closure.

The Library is closed for one (1) week in December, during the main Christmas holidays.


On Public Holidays

The Library is closed on all public holidays.


Rules & Regulations


  1. All registered undergraduate and graduate students, academic and non-academic staff and members of the Council of the University are eligible for membership.  Students are required to pay a refundable cautionary deposit of $1,500.00 at the time of initial registration.
  2. Other persons including visiting researchers may be granted Library privileges at the discretion of the Librarian.  If borrowing privileges are granted, applicants will be required to pay an annual fee of $20,000 to borrow 3 books with 75% to be refunded if nothing is owed at the end of the period; $6,500.00 to borrow 1 book with 75% to be refunded if nothing is owed at the end of the period.
  3. Non-borrowing Visitor(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of $1000.00

All users of the University are required to produce some form of identification on entering the library:

  1. Students - Identification Card (University of Guyana). Students are required to wear their Identification cards in the Library at all times.
  2. Staff – Readers’ Identification Card
  3. Visitors – National Identification Card, Passport, Driver’s license or a visitor’s card with photo identification.


All persons eligible to use the Library must first register by filling up the prescribed registration card and tickets in their own handwriting.  Students and staff are required to produce their University Identification Cards for the purpose of registration.  They will also be required to do so at other times when requested by a member of the Library or Security staff.  For visitors and other users, the University Librarian’s letter of acceptance must be presented at registration.
All library members including academic staff must re-register at the beginning of each academic year. No person will be allowed to re-register in the library until all indebtedness to the library has been cleared up.
Tickets are issued free at registration.  Lost tickets will be replaced one (1) week after student has reported his/her tickets lost, at the cost of $200.00 each.

  • All type of bags, items and parcels must be checked by the Security Officers before being taken into the Library or being placed in the Bag Bay and on leaving the library. All monies and valuables must be removed.
  • All cell phones must be turned off or be placed on silent mode before entering the Library.
  • Charging of cell phones and laptops are not strictly prohibited in the library. However, management will not be held responsible for damages caused due to power surges or fluctuation.
  • Reasonable quietness must be maintained in the Library.
  • The Librarian shall at all times have authority to maintain good order in the Library and will exclude from it or suspend from its use any reader who breaks these Rules and Regulations. He/she will report to the Vice-Chancellor any person responsible for serious or persistent breach of these rules. All members of the Library staff are empowered to request readers to comply with these Rules and Regulations. Food, drink and smoking are prohibited in the Library. Cameras should not be used in the Library without permission.

No book, periodical or other library material may be removed from the Library unless the prescribed material is checked out at the Circulation desk and the date label stamped and signed by an authorised member of the library staff and the borrower.

Readers’ tickets are not transferable.

Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Certificate and Diploma students may borrow up to eight (8) items, two (2) of which are for reading room use only.  Masters students may borrow up to twelve (12) items, two of which are for reading room use only.

Academic staff and administrative staff may borrow up to twenty (20) items for the duration of one term.  Such loans will be automatically due on the last day of each term.

UA non-academic and UB staff may borrow up to six (6) items.

UA part-time staff may borrow six (6) items per semester.

UA Staff who would have proceeded on Earned Study Leave and Sabbatical Leave can borrow up to three (3) items per semester.

A full-time UB (junior) Staff who is a registered student must register in the Library as a student.

Borrowing visitors and approved institutions with borrowing privileges, will be restricted to the number of books specified by the University Librarian.  The usual number is three (3).

Special loans to Department for short courses sponsored by the University may be made under certain specified conditions at the discretion of the Librarian.

All members of the library must return books to the library immediately if requested to do so by the Librarian.  Disciplinary action will be taken against defaulters.

Books in the general collection may be renewed for a further loan period if they have not been reserved by other members of the Library.  Such books may be renewed on its return or by telephone, email or WhatsApp.

Books on loan to other readers may be reserved.  Reservation can be placed online by logging into your user account. The reader shall be alerted when the book is available.  In the case of normal loans, books should be collected within seven (7) days.

Certain publications may not be removed from the Library.  These include materials in the Caribbean Research Library (CRL) and other special collections.  Examples of such material include reference books, theses, rare items, journals and books of special value.

Only registered students and academic staff of the University may borrow books on 48-hour loan.  Academic staff may borrow items from the collection in his/her subject area.  No more than two (2) items may be borrowed at any one time.

Academic staff and administrative staff are not allowed to borrow books from the Reserve Collection for one term.

48-hour loans should be returned on the date due by 18:00 h (6:00 p.m.)  except on Saturdays when they should be returned by 14:00 h (2:00 p.m.).

Request items on the 48-hour loan will be reserved for a borrower up to 10:00 h on the day after it is due.

48-hour loans are not renewable, but may be re-issued to the same borrower one hour before closing time of the same day.

Two (2) hour loan books are issued for use in the Library, except when they are issued on overnight loan two hours before closing time.  Such overnight loans must be returned by 9:30 hours on the date due.

Books on two (2) - hour loan may be renewed for a further two hours if not required by another reader.

Academic staff may not borrow books on two (2) - hour loan to take out of the Library.  Special loan may be granted for short period at the discretion of the University Librarian.

Periodicals are normally issued for two (2) hours.  It may be renewed for a further two (2) hours if not required by another reader.

Periodicals may not be taken out of the Library.

The Librarian is empowered to levy a fine on any user who fails to return library materials within the prescribed period as well as for damaged materials.  All fines are subject to review.

The fine for late return of ordinary loan material will be $60.00 per item for each day (including Sundays and holidays) that the book is overdue.

The fine for late return of books in the Reserve Collection will be $200.00 a day or part of a day that the book is overdue including Sundays and holidays.

The fine for late return of books on 1-week (7-days loans) will be $60.00 for each day that the book is overdue.

When after due notice, a fine has not been paid, the University Librarian is authorised to request the Registrar to take further action.

A maximum fine of $10,000.00 is charged for one (1) overdue item.  This is subject to review.

Only the University Librarian is empowered to waive fines.

Users will be suspended for a period of not more than one month for failure to return overdue books as follows:
Ordinary loan -     after being overdue for more than two (2) weeks.
One-week loan -     after being overdue for more than one (1) week.
48-hour loan -    after being overdue for more than one (1) day.
Overnight loan -     after being overdue for more than two (2) hours.
Two-hour loan -     after being overdue for more than two (2) hours.
Fines are charged for each day including Sundays and Holidays.

Loss, damage or theft

Users who deface, damage or lose books shall be required to replace such books within one week or to pay twice the cost of the books.

Theft and mutilation of Library property are punishable by suspension or expulsion from the University. Legal proceedings will also be considered.

The Library is provided exclusively for academic study.  Any conduct, e.g. audible conversation, inconsistent with this purpose or detrimental to its pursuit by others, shall constitute a breach of these Rules and Regulations.

The Librarian shall always have authority to maintain good order in the Library and will exclude from it or suspend from its use any reader who breaks these Rules and Regulations.  He/she will report to the Vice-Chancellor any person responsible for serious or persistent breach of these Rules and Regulations.

All members of the Library staff are empowered to request readers to comply with these Rules and Regulations.

Smoking is not permitted in the reading rooms.

Food and drink may not be brought into the reading rooms.

Audio equipment shall not be played in the reading rooms. The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is provided for this purpose.

Children may enter the Library provided that an accompanying adult is responsible for their good conduct while in the Library.

Animals, except for guide dogs, shall not be allowed to enter the Library.

Bags of all types and parcels must be examined by the Security Guards before being deposited in the Bag Bay or taken into the Library.   No bags exceeding 10" x 6" x 4" or 20cm x 15cm x 10cm may be brought inside the Library.  All monies and valuables must be removed.

All laptops must be removed from user’s bags before being placed in the bag bay.

All items being carried in and out of the Library are subject to inspection and must be shown to the Security Guard at the entrance/exit.

Users must not misuse, damage or remove any equipment, furniture or fittings belonging to the Library.

Personal property shall not be left in the Library overnight. Any bag left in the bag bay must be checked by the library staff in the presence of a Security Officer, then the bag is taken to the Security Lodge for safe keeping.

Users must not be offensive and are expected to give co-operation to Library staff.

Users are not allowed within working areas (designated by STAFF ONLY signs)

Users are asked to pay attention to all notices displayed in the Library.

A member of the University may introduce one or two visitors to view the Library, provided that no inconvenience is caused to the users.  Parties of visitors can be admitted only by agreement with the University Librarian.

Use of Lockers

Lockers are located on the Ground Floor, entrance of the Library for the exclusive use of patrons of the University of Guyana Library for storage of items. All keys for lockers must be returned fifteen (15) minutes before closing time (kindly check the notice boards for closure times of the Library). In keeping with the Rules that no bags or food and drinks are allowed into the Library, lockers are provided for the storage of these items. This is in keeping with the need to protect learning resources and other assets and to provide a clean and comfortable environment for our users.

Library lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are for the exclusive use of library patrons while they are using the resources of the Library.

Lockers will be given out on a day-by-day basis for one (1) day only.

Lockers require the use of a key which will be distributed by the Security Officers on duty in the Library. Students are required to produce their identification cards to use the locker. Other visitors will be required to provide some other form of identification.

Once a patron is issued with a locker key, he/she is responsible for the key until it is returned.

Patrons must agree to sign in and out when using a locker. The log book will be lodged at the Security Check point, Main entrance.

Lockers are for individual use and must be used only by the assignee. Keys are not transferable.

No signs or other materials may be placed on the outside of lockers.

Lockers should not be held overnight. Any locker still in use after the stipulated time will be subjected to a penalty.

Food and drinks must be stored properly in lockers to avoid damage to lockers and another patrons’ property. Items must also be securely stored.

The Library is not responsible for personal property or for damage to anything placed in lockers.

The Library reserves the right to check lockers at any time to ensure compliance with established procedures for the use of lockers.

Library books stored in lockers must be checked out.

Use of additional/supplemental locks is forbidden. All personal locks will be cut off and disposed of.

Security problems and concerns must be reported promptly to Library staff.

  1. If a patron does not return the key at the end of the shift a fine of $500.00 will be levied. Patrons who fail to pay this fee will be denied borrowing and other privileges in the Library.
  2. Lockers have integral locks. Therefore $5,000.00 will be levied for loss of keys or damage to locks. A penalty will also be levied for malicious damage to locks.




Your University Library offers a number of services to help you get the most out of studying and research at University of Guyana. 


The circulations services offered include loans, returns, and renewals.



All registered users must present a valid University ID card, in order to borrow Library materials.  Loan privileges are as follows:

  • UG Undergraduate students may borrow up to eight (8) items at a time, six (6) of those being materials which can be taken out of the Library.  They are allowed to borrow serials only for use in the Library.  Undergraduates can borrow two (2) Reserve items at a time.
  • UG Postgraduate students may borrow up to twelve (12) items at a time, ten (10) of those being materials which can be taken out of the Library.  They are allowed to borrow serials only for use in the Library.  Postgraduates can borrow two (2) Reserve items at a time.
  • UG Academic and senior administrative staff may borrow up to twenty (20) items at a time.
  • UG non-academic senior staff may borrow up to six (6) items at a time.

Books are due for return by the due date, as stamped in the book, or maybe earlier if reserved by another person, and recalled from you.  Fines are charged on all overdue books. 



Items from the Reserve Collection cannot be renewed but patrons can renew items from the General Collection for the loan period of the book.  The conditions for renewals are:

  • items can be renewed twice only
  • items cannot be overdue
  • items on reserve cannot be renewed
  • renewals can be done either in person or via telephone no. 222-4931 



All items borrowed must be returned at the Circulation Desk.



Reservation for items currently on loan can be made at the Circulation Desk. When those items are returned, the items requested are held for a maximum of seven days. An item request does not change the original due date, but it does prevent the current borrower from renewing it.


Reference Service

Staff provide assistance in using the library's collections, and help with any queries regarding the Library’s services, resources and facilities. This service also includes online Internet searches for students. 


Inter-Library Lending

The University of Guyana borrows materials or obtains photocopies of materials not owned by the Library from local or overseas libraries for faculty members, researchers, and students.  To request an inter-library loan or copies of articles not available in the Library patrons should contact the Main Information Desk.



Photocopies are provided on request at the Circulation Desk.  The fee is $8.00 per exposure for research materials and $11.00 per exposure for other materials.


Library Instruction & Tours

The University Library conducts orientation sessions and tours for students.  During these sessions we emphasize current library services offered and provide basic information on how to use the library.  Orientation sessions for new students are usually conducted at the beginning of the academic year in conjunction with faculty orientation.
Special tours can be organised at the request of Faculties.


External Users Access

Non-university members are categorised as external users or visitors who may be granted access to the library resources. Such persons seeking Library access must direct their request to the Main Information Desk. Visitors requesting borrowing privileges must pay a cautionary deposit, complete an application and submit all relevant documents (photographs, references and identification). Once approval is granted, the person is registered and issued with a Visitor’s ID card.


Readers' Services Division

Turkeyen Campus

The Readers' Services Division is divided into subject divisions as listed below.

The main issue desk and the Reserve Collection are located here. Users are provided with the following services here: borrowing, returns, renewals, reservations, photocopy requests, financial transactions.

The Reserve Collection contains materials that have been placed in the Reserve Collection upon the request of Faculty. The items may be owned by the Library or by faculty members and are high-use items with shorter circulation periods to accommodate the usually high demand.

In the Humanities & Education Division located on the First Floor (Old Wing) you can find information related to the following

This Division also houses two (2) reading rooms that can accommodate approximately sixty (60) persons.

In the Science & Technology Division located on the Second Floor (Old Wing) you can find information related to the following subject areas: Agriculture, Architectural Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Health, Environmental Science, Forestry, Health Sciences, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Naval Science, Pharmacy, Physics, Technology and Military Science.

This Division also houses two (2) reading rooms that can accommodate approximately ninety-eigth (98) persons.

In the Social Sciences & Law Division located on the First Floor (New Wing) you can find information related to the following subject areas:

Anarchism, Banking & Finance, Commerce, Communism, Criminology, Economics, Law, Local Government, Management, Politics, Socialism, and Sociology, among others.