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Advising and Mentoring

MPH students receive support from

  • Academic Advisor: knowledgeable about the MPH programme curriculum and requirements, as well as specific courses
  • Culminating Experience Mentor: works in the student’s field of interest and will play an integral role in the student’s preparation for a career in public health, and will offer advice and guidance for the culminating experience
  • Practicum Supervisor: works in the student’s field of interest and will play an integral role in the student’s preparation for a career in public health, and offer advice and guidance for the student’s practicum

These may not be three separate people – one faculty member or community public health professional may serve in more than one of these roles.


Honour Code

Students in the UG MPH Programme are held to high standards of professionalism. As scholars, the students’ role is one of pride, determination, and integrity. In the classroom, students are responsible, respectful, and encourage learning by all. A failure to prepare in a thorough, timely manner reduces the potential of everyone’s educational experience. We place the value of our education paramount.


Expected Behaviors

  1. Commit time to creating innovative, high quality work
  2. Be both physically and mentally present for all intensive week and weekend classes, and the practicum, so as to positively contribute to the general learning of the cohort
  3. Turn in assignments and necessary paperwork in a timely fashion, and thoughtfully prepare for examinations and meetings with mentors


Unacceptable Behaviors

  1. Misrepresent the work of others as your own, such as cheating, plagiarism, or failure to credit the contributions made by others, including your mentor(s)
  2. Repeated inexcusable tardiness or absences in classes or at the practicum
  3. Repeated failure to adhere to assignment or examination schedules



Useful Links

Accessing Course Modules on Moodle

Each course will have its own page on Moodle. It is the responsibility of the student to frequently check the page for updates on assignments and course material.  Link to School of Medicine Moodle website:


UG Library’s Electronic Resources

The University of Guyana’s Library subscribes to various journal databases and you are encouraged to make use of these articles, at no cost. Visit the Library to uplift your username and password to access the electronic resources, which can be found at


Global Health Hub

The Global Health Hub ( is a compilation of online resources related to global health and includes a plethora of recent articles concerning global health issues ranging from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases to aid & development.



PubMed ( is a compilation of over 23 million citations for biomedical literature. It is an excellent resource for obtaining peer-reviewed articles from various journals, many of which are open-access.


PLOS Medicine

PLOS Medicine ( is an open-access, internationally peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and analysis relevant to human health.


IMF e-Library

The UG Library has a link on their website to the IMF e-Library ( Within this library, you can search by topic and country to find relevant articles and books.


The World Bank Data and Research

At the bottom center of this webpage, you will find an area to search for both data, which includes “high quality national and international statistics, and global statistical programs,” and research, composed of “cross-country, cross-sector, thematic research outputs from the World Bank's main research department.” The website can be accessed at,,menuPK:476823~pagePK:64165236~piPK:64165141~theSitePK:469372,00.html


The World Health Organization

This link to the WHO’s Health Topics page will allow you to search for information on specific topics or, via the tabs across the top, access Data, read Publications, search by Country, and view the WHO’s Programmes. You can begin searching at


John Hopkins OpenCourseWare

John Hopkins School of Public Health maintains this website to provide free and open access to materials presented in its courses. This website could prove useful in supplementing current courses or learning about a topic that is not presented in UG’s MPH Programme. You can begin searching at



Coursera partners with top universities and organizations around the world to provide high-quality courses in a variety of subjects. You are encouraged to peruse the list of free online courses that are offered and to take courses that would augment your understanding of public health:


Tips for Academic Writing

A useful list of general guidelines, organization tips, and grammar and word choice suggestions for academic writing:


Academic Writing Checklist and Timetable

Getting started writing can be a daunting task. In this website, you will find a timetable to help organise your time and a checklist to make sure that you have included necessary elements in your writing: