Centre for Communication Studies
Holds a Bachelor of Bachelor of Social Science degree in Communication (credit) and a graduate diploma in International Relations both from the University of Guyana, a Master of Arts in Communication and Development from the Ohio University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Communication from the Georgia State University. She joined the Centre for Communication Studies in 2007 and has served as Coordinator and Director of the Centre. She lectures both undergraduate and post graduate courses in the Centre for Communication Studies. Prior to joining the University she serves a public relations or communication officer with various government agencies and a Senior Communications Assistant with the Caribbean Community Secretariat. She ash published in the field of communication studies. Please see a listing of her publications below:
Academic papers
Walcott, C. 2020. DISSERTATION: "Contested Patrimony: A Thematic Analysis of Guyana’s Newspaper Framing of Oil Discoveries, Journalistic Challenges Navigating the Sector and Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Media Representation." Dissertation housed by Scholarworks at Georgia State University
- Walcott, C. 2022. Technological and Pedagogical Challenges, responses and transitions: Comparing US and Caribbean College professors teaching media studies online during the COVID-19 pandemic. AEJMC International Communication Research Journal Vol 57 (1): 2-18. Web link / DOI: https://icrj/pub/
- Davis, P., Inabinet, B., Moss, C.L. and Walcott, C. B. 2021. Decolonizing Regions. Michigan State University Press Journal: Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 349-364 Web link / DOI: https://doi.org/10. 14321/rhetpublaffa.24.1-2.0349
- Walcott, C. 2019. Consent, Contention and Musical Commentary on Guyana’s 1992 National Elections and the 2018 No Confidence Motion. AEJMC International Communication Research Journal 54 (2) Page #s: 47-62.
- Walcott, C. 2019. Not my Haiti: western media framing and immigrant renarrating of Haiti. Publisher: University of Curaçao Journal: Positive Interferences: Unsettling resonances in the study of the languages, literatures and cultures of the Greater Caribbean and beyond, Volume 2 Level Page #s: 49-58 Web link / DOI: www.uoc.cw Click here 13 Mar 2019 20 Aug 2019 Published in 2019 volume.
- Walcott, C. 2018. Memory and Narrative, Capturing Walter Rodney's Legacy: Interview with Professor Ewart Thomas. Groundings: Development, an-Africanism and Critical Theory, 3(1) Level: Second author Page #s: 75-77 Web link / DOI: https://www.scien ceopen.com/hosted-document?doi =10.13169/groudevepanacrit.3.1.0 075
- Walcott, C. 2014. Wither Caribbean Integration: reasoning the political economy of the Caribbean region post 1945. Creolization and Commonalities: Transgressing Neocolonial Boundaries in the Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Caribbean and the Rest of the African Diaspora. Proceedings of the ECICC, Aruba 2013. Volume 2 Page #s: 185-191
- Walcott, C. 2021. Convergences of Southern Identity and the Global South. In the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Reconstructing Southern Rhetoric. Oxford: University Press of Mississippi Chapter 12
- Onyebadi UT, Bland D, Howard H, Walcott C. Issues in Academic Leadership: Narratives of Personal Experiences of Diaspora Administrators. In Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas 2020 (pp. 220-244). IGI Global.
Conference Proceedings
- Walcott, C. 2023. A Caring Pedagogy and the Global Pandemic-Why Faculty Inclusion Matters. 26th Annual Conference of the Americas Location: University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA
- Walcott, C. 2022. Screen Time, Fatigue and Technological Challenges: Pedagogical Experiences of US and Caribbean College Professors Teaching Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic . 25th Annual Conference on the Americas Location: Virtual. No. of Pages: 1
- Walcott, C. 2022. Resilience through Resistance: Regionalism and Reconstructing Southern Rhetoric. 92nd Annual Convention Southern States Communication Association, Greenville, South Carolina No. of Pages: 1
- Walcott, C. 2022. Festival City and Carifesta '72: The People who Came Conference: The Inaugural Caribbean Festival of Arts as Prism: 20th Century Festivals in the Multilingual Caribbean Location: Virtual
- Walcott, C. 2021 "Contested Patrimony: A Thematic Analysis of Guyana’s Newspaper Framing of Oil Discoveries, Journalistic Challenges Navigating the Sector and Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Media Representation". 24th annual Conference of the Americas. The Americas Council. University of North Georgia, USA. No. of Pages: 25
- Walcott, C. 2020. Public and Private Newspaper Framing of Oil Discovery in Guyana.23rd Annual Conference of the Americas. The Americas Council. : University of North Georgia, USA No. of Pages: 30
- Walcott, C. 2019. Consent, Contention and Musical Commentary on Guyana’s 1992 National Elections and the 2018 No Confidence Motion Conference. 102nd Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). Toronto, Canada. No. of Pages: 25
- Walcott, C. 2019. Trump’s Populist Rhetoric and Nationalist Mission to Make America Great Again. 89th Conference of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA) Location: Montgomery, Alabama. No. of Pages: 35
- Walcott, C. 2019. Navigating Blackness, Gender and Nationality in the Professorate. 89th Conference of the Southern States Communication Association Location: Montgomery, Alabama No. of Pages: 25
- Walcott, C. 2018. Not Made in America: Capturing Nationality and Identity through African and Caribbean Camera Lenses. National Council for Black Studies, Atlanta, Georgia No. of Pages: 18
- Walcott, C and Emeka Umejei. 2018. Global Television Possibilities: When Guyana Meets US Appeals. Paper presented at poster presentation, August 7th, 2018, 101 Conference of the Association For Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC
- Walcott, C. 201 8. Global Television Possibilities: When Guyana Meets US Appeals. 101st Annual Conference of the AEJMC Washington, DC. No. of Pages: 30
- Walcott, C. 2018. Not Made in America: Capturing Nationality and Identity through African and Caribbean Camera Lenses Conference. 50th Conference of the National Council for Black Studies. Atlanta, Georgia No. of Pages: 25