Aurel Liddell, is a lecturer with over 9 years of teaching experience at the University of Guyana. Apart from lecturing, she also has professional experience in the areas of Software Development and IT Project Consultancy. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Postgraduate Diploma in Education-Mathematics from the University of Guyana, and is currently completing her Masters in Information Systems and Technology Management with the University of the West Indies. Her current areas of interests include E-Learning, IT Governance and Strategic Management of Information Systems.
In her spare time, Aurel enjoys reading, gardening and watching YouTube vlogs - activities that help balance her daily demands as a burgeoning professional.
Course Assignments for 2020/2021:
Semester 1
ITE4101 - Business Information Systems
CSE/ ITE/ ISY 4100 - Undergraduate [CS/IT/IS] Research Project (Proposal)
Semester 2
CSE1200 - Introduction to Computing II
CSE/ ITE/ ISY 4200 - Undergraduate [CS/IT/IS] Research Project (Thesis)