About The Department
Computer Science and Information Technology are two competing perspectives of the study and use of computers and related technology. This distinction is becoming more increasingly important in academia. Computer Science grew out of the discipline of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, whereas Information Technology was born out of Computer Science. Computer Science is primarily concerned with what is learnt when computers and related tools are used, while Information Technology is concerned with the humanistic aspects of Computer Science and what business values can be obtained from using computers. Computer Science is refined in focus, while on the other hand, IT is a broader integrative vision of the role played by computers in society.
The field of Computing continues to undergo rapid changes. Modern computing technologies and their applications are critical elements of new infrastructures that help individuals, organizations and governments achieve their goals and objectives. In fact, computing is now one of the leading global industries. In the context of these changes the Department of Computer Science has embarked on the process of curriculum review to re-examine its programme offerings in order to fulfill its mission of being “the vanguard of Information and Communication Technologies in Guyana” and to provide relevant and update educational experiences for its graduate to function globally. To this end the Department has upgraded existing programmes and developed newer ones.
In upgrading our existing programmes and through the implementation of new areas of study, the Department believes that our graduates will be prepared to:
- matriculate to graduate programmes in their respective areas
- function effectively as professionals within both private and public sector organizations nationally
- become employed with regional and international organisations
- develop the pedagogical and content knowledge to effectively teach and impart knowledge of their discipline to others